- Sáez Consulting Engineers (SCE Inc.) has been a critical partner and subconsultant to Wood on the I-405 Renton to Bellevue Widening and Toll Infrastructure project. As the utility engineer, SCE performed professionally at all times and completed all contracted design responsibilities associated with utility relocations of the project.
Additionally, Jaime Sáez and his team of seasoned professional engineers proved extremely adaptable and capable in developing solutions for complex situations in a multifaceted project. The SCE team coordinated well with Wood staff to get deliverables reviewed, executed, and released for construction on time and within the design budget.
SCE has a reliable and technically capable team that, in my opinion, would prove valuable in Wood’s future endeavors.
Please contact me at 602-793-2151 or by email at Michael.romero@woodplc.com if you have any questions.MICHAEL A. ROMERO, I-405 PROJECT MANAGER
SCE consistently offers excellent value in design delivered by knowledgeable principals and experienced staff. They are timely, personable, and responsive in providing valuable input to the design team, always keeping the client’s benefits in mind.
SCE continues to serve as our primary source for civil engineering services and so it is my pleasure to recommend SCE with our highest regard.DAVID L. LEAVENGOOD, A.I.A. PRINCIPAL, CENTRALIA COLLEGE NEW SCIENCE CENTER AND KEMP HALL- Our experience with SCE is represented by nearly $200 million worth of successfully completed projects.
We value the relationship we’ve established with their firm and strongly recommend SCE for the services they provide.CRAIG MASON, AIA PRINCIPAL, MULTIPLE PROJECTS - Your firm’s problem solving experience and revised design of the Steilacoom High School main gas line issue accounted for a savings of over $100,000 dollars in construction costs on that single issue. Saez Consulting Engineers was a vital team member role in the initial site investigative and subsequent design and periodic construction verification services. As the District’s project manager, I could rely on Jaime Saez to provide professional and responsive technical support, advice and delivery of well coordinated civil drawings.RUSSELL V. PRITCHARD, JR., SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER, STEILACOOM HIGH SCHOOL SPORT COMPLEX IMPROVEMENT PROJECT
- SCE provided various engineering services from 2011-2018 on the SR 99 project under subcontract to HNTB. I wanted to thank you for being responsive to our requests for assistance. In all cases you and your staff have always delivered with a quality product in a cost effective and timely manner, even under tight schedule requirements. SCE worked with HNTB in a highly collaborative manner which helped us be responsive to the changing needs of our client.
I have no hesitation in recommending SCE to others who are in need of civil, utility design support.BRIAN RUSSELL, PE, SR99 DESIGN PROJECT MANAGER, SR99 BORED TUNNEL PROJECT - Saez Engineers was hired by the developer to provide a value engineering review of the utility systems. Your company has been instrumental in providing creative thinking to reconfigure significant portions of the sewer system, which was acceptable to Skyway Water & Sewer District (the ultimate utility owner), and will also likely save significant construction costs for the developer.DON HELLING, PE, LEED AP, CAMBRIDGE VILLAS PROJECT
- Due to their site design expertise and their ability to work well with the design team, the Owner, and Grays Harbor County; the site improvements and phasing was executed on schedule and the project realized significant construction cost savings.
SCE did an exceptional job throughout both the design and construction phases.
I highly recommend Jaime Sáez and Sáez Consulting Engineers Inc.LARRY D HURLBERT, PRINCIPAL, STAFFORD CREEK CORRECTIONAL CENTER NEW FURNITURE FACTORY PROJECT - The frontage improvements portion of the project recently bid under budget with a tight spread between the bidders. This close range can be attributed in part to the level of coordination and quality of the construction documents produced by SCE, and their effective coordination of the prebid activities, as well as prompt creative resolution of utility conflicts arising during construction.
I strongly recommend Sáez Consulting Engineers Inc for their professionalism and effectiveness as Civil Engineers.JAY GARTHWAITE, PROGRAM MANAGER, MARYSVILLE GETCHELL HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT - Olympic Associates would like to commend SCE on the quality of service you provide to Olympic for value analysis studies and building condition assessments. You and your consulting engineers play an important role on our teams, contributing civil, architectural and construction logistics knowledge in the analysis of complex issues. The creativity and technical recommendations you offer benefit each project and our clients‘ best interests.
Thank you for your continued willingness to juggle schedules on short notice to help staff our studies. We look forward to continuing to work with SCE on upcoming projects.STEVEN PAGET, CVS, LEED AP SENIOR CONSULTANT, VALUE ENGEERING STUDIES - We had an excellent experience with both the engineering and surveying teams at SCE. Their civil design was practical and efficient, and their approach to erosion control very effective especially given the tight site constraints and sensitive soils.JON ROSE, PRESIDENT, OLYMPIC PROPERTY GROUP, BLIS MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT
- SCE is a team player and understands the coordination required with the site, the architecture as well as the mechanical and electrical requirements. SCE understands the complexity of construction and working within the guidelines of Washington State General Administration.
I always look forward to working with Jaime and all of the staff at SCE.ANDREW ROVELSTAD, AIA, LOWER COLUMBIA COLLEGE PROJECTS - SCE has provided consistent and reliable survey services while being committed as a team member, for the success of the project. SCE management and field crews have always responded positively and diligently to our requests in order to accommodate our client’s best interests.WALLY CHEN, PE, PROJECT QUALITY MANAGER
- SCE has provided consistent and reliable survey services while being committed as a team member for the success of the project. SCE management and field crews have always responded positively and diligently to our requests in order to accommodate our client’s best interest.
SCE’s knowledge of the local business ecosystem has definitely been helpful to be able to offer the best solutions on a case by case, in a timely manner, through a professional and cooperative relationship.LOIC GALISSON, VICE PRESIDENT, USA & CANADA, NORTHLINK N125 - Their ability to quickly resolve design challenges with SCL facilities was key in keeping up with the project schedule. Their ability to take on additional ADA ramp grading during the last throws of production allowed URS to meet the deliverable deadlines.
SCE’s relevant experience and knowledge of City of Seattle requirements and standards provided excellent value to the team. I highly recommend Jaime Sáez and SCE for any services within their areas of expertise.STEVEN D. KITTERMAN, PE, PROJECT MANAGER, SEATTLE FIRST HILL STREETCAR PROJECT - Please accept our gratitude for the part you have played in completing the I-90 Project Phase I contracts and opening this portion of the I-90 to traffic. The skill, knowledge and professionalism you have shown has been invaluable. This project has taken near superhuman efforts, coordination and cooperation among all involved, and your personal contribution in this is greatly appreciated.RON BOCKSTRUCK, WSDOT, I-90 PHASE 1 PROJECT